Let’s make healthy dating part of our self care routine too, sound good?

I hadn’t even considered “healthy dating” as a concept until I completely switched up my process with online dating.

I was in a tough place, feeling hopeless (see my Online dating story here) and I knew something needed to change if I wanted to move forward in my love life.

I began taking my time and my space very seriously. Space – as in – my mental and emotional space. Who was taking up space in my head and heart that needed to go? How was I spending my time and energy? These are both important questions that led me to create what I consider healthy dating habits. And I want to share those with you. Healthy dating and self love is definitely part of self care.

Healthy Dating Tips:

  1. Creating a solid belief that you deserve to have the life life you want – This was a key step in my process. If I don’t believe in the power of my dreams, who will?
  1. Creating space for love – As I mentioned above, who is taking up space in your head and your heart? And who needs to be removed from those sacred spaces? Remember: Spring cleaning includes people too.
  1. Becoming more confident in who you are and what you want – This is an essential step for all areas of your life. Confidence in who you are can be challenging if you’ve been hurt. I’m here to tell you that your past does not define your future! Start listing out all the amazing things you’ve done and that you want to do. Let this list inspire confidence in you.
  1. Deciding who you are and what you want – This step is key in helping you actually achieve your goals in life and love. There is so much to say about this and I cover a lot of it in my unique workshop the Pink Sage Profile Revamp
  1. Decide what makes you feel comfortable and happy – No one is going to give you the space and create the boundaries you need – except for you! This is so essential in the dating process because if someone is making you uncomfortable – please do no accommodate them! Let your date know about your feelings. This is the quickest way to figure out if someone is actually the type of caring, understanding person you want to be with. Their response to your wants and needs will show you all you need to know about them.
  1. Make Dating fun again! – I know online dating can be draining, but I hope you can find a way to make it fun again. If you show up as your most authentic self and you aren’t worried about appeasing a man you’ve only just met – then you are more likely to have fun! If he doesn’t respond well to a woman who enjoys herself and likes to have fun – then boy, bye!
  1. Focus on positive mental health – I can’t say it enough! Having practices and routines that make you feel good (self care) is so important in creating positive mental health while dating and in all areas of your life! This is my last tip for now, but please know it is one of the most important! I even created an whole workshop around the concept of positive mental health while dating.